Friday, August 20, 2010

Templar are Back!

Wow, I can't believe it has been since Adepticon since I've played in any formal day of gaming.  Luckily I'm getting a three game tournament in on Saturday in the Chicago area Adeptus Windy City series.  I think it's time to bring out my old faithful Black Templars and see how the old codex can do against all these new fancy ones!

Here's what I'm thinking for 2k...

HQ: Emperor's Champion with "Accept any Challenge" for the reroll gooodness for the army
HQ: Chaplain with melta bombs and 3 cenobite servitors to attach to the terminators on foot

Elite: 10 Assault Terminators, 6 Lightning Claws, 4 Thunder hammer / SS all with Furious Charge

Troop: 15 man Crusader Squad (9 initiates, 6 neophytes), meltagun, powerfist in Land Raider Crusader with smoke launchers
Troop: 14 man Crusader Squad (9 initiates, 5 neophytes), meltagun, powerfist in Land Raider Crusader with smoke launchers (champion's ride)
Troop: 5 man Crusader Squad with Lascannon and boltguns
Troop: 5 man Crusader Squad with Lascannon and boltguns

Heavy: Vindicator (expensive at 125, but needed)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Back to the Wolves

Last week I had the chance to actually get a game in, imagine that.  Had the opportunity to play an 1850 game with my Space Wolves.  I'm a firm believer that unpainted miniatures don't do as well in the game as painted ones.

My gamer ADD has me flipping back and forth between projects, so I think it's time to settle in to get the core of my Space Wolves done before I jump on an Adepticon project, the Empire, or another 40k army.

Even though it hurts, I'm trying the mass painting method.  I usually stick to around 5 models at a time (or 10 if they're exceptionally simple).  Here's my try at 25 grey hunters.  The yellow looks exceptionally bright since the grey has just been inked and not highlighted yet!

Once I get these guys done, it'll be on to the Thunderwolves.  That is if I can survive the monotony of painting 25 at once!

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