Friday, October 1, 2010

Hobby A.D.D. Kicking in

Ouch, I didn't expect Hobby A.D.D. to kick in so fast, I'm almost done with the core of my 1850 Space Wolves list!  I had the chance to play in our local tournament scene last weekend and had a great time playing my wolves... due to my inexperience with the army I went 1-1-1.  It looks like Space Wolves are turning into the "it" army in the Chicago metagame.  Out of the 20 people playing in the tournament, there were 6 of us with Space Wolves.  I'm playing them due to my love of the army, but I don't want to be singled out as one of those guys...

Here is the docket of armies in que that I've bought up the models and excited about painting:
- Finishing Space Wolves
- Orks
- Death Korps of Krieg
- Dark Eldar

Which leads me to another power armored army... the Blood Angels.  I'm in love with the new plastic kits; the Sanguinary Guard and the Death Company models.  I don't want to do the razorback & armor 11 spam I'm seeing all the rage in marine lists, I'd like to try something that makes the Blood Angels different.  Jump packs! So I'm set out to make an "elite" low model count list with Dante & Sanguinary Guard that'll be a fun change of pace.

It'll be fun painting gold and I found some amazing miniature bases I've been dying to try out.  I ordered a bunch of bases from Scibor Miniatures:,index.php that look pretty sweet.  I'm going with the ancient ruins style.  Very epic, and would go over well with the jump troop concept.  Plus after doing all the snow and urban bases, I can now focus on a "jungle" theme.  Do lots of things with foliage and flowers...

Here's my concept so far that I've found browsing the internet...

HQ: Dante
HQ: Honor Guard with 3 meltas, one flamer (comes with priest)
Elite: 5 Sternguard in Drop pod with 2 meltas, 1 combi melta and 1 combi flamer
Elite: 1 Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack (to go with one of the Guard squads to get a jumping bubble of effect)
Troop: 5 Sanguinary Guard
Troop: 5 Sanguinary Guard
Troop: 5 Sanguinary Guard
Troop: 5 Sanguinary Guard
Troop: 5 Scouts with camo cloaks, sniper rifles and missile launcher (had to take this to have something in the backfield on an objective)
Heavy: 5 Devestators with 4 missile launchers
Heavy: 5 Devestators with 4 missile launchers

Idea would be the Dante Squad and Sternguard squad drop to get rid of the nasty armor, devestators to help with transports, and my sanguinary guard to mop up infantry.

Just not sure how I'll handle deathstar units like Thunderwolf Cavalry w/lords or Nob Bikers; or big blob units like Ork mobs with power klaws.


  1. Hehe, Hobby A.D.D. is a tough one my friend, but when I feel it's lure I always remember that line from Dax (or was it Wedge or Porkins) from Star Wars..."Stay on Target, Stay on Target!"


  2. I feel your pain on this thing. I have the majority of a High Elf army that keeps trying to lure me from my Slanneshi Warriors of Chaos army (ironic). I have settled on getting X done before I move on to Y. That being said, I do try to make notes of cool ideas I have for other projects.
