Wednesday, March 30, 2011

See you at Adepticon! I'll be blogging

Tonight's the last night for me to wrap things up before Adepticon.  I touched up my Stompa and display board but didn't get around to doing weathering / battle damage effects to the ork monstrosity.  After work, I'll be printing out all the lists and reference material and packing up all the supplies (and a good supply of beer).

If you happen to be coming, I'd love to meet you.  On Friday and Sunday I'll be wearing one of my Blackhawks jerseys so I'll be easy to spot.  Saturday I'm a part of the team tournament "Team Handsome" and later that night I'll be running the 40k trivia contest so please say hello.

Here's a picture of me; sadly the latest one I have from getting married almost a year ago!

My goal is to do a blog recap with the cool things at the convention every day.  We'll see how much energy I have every night in the hotel room and how much I'll feel like opening up the laptop.  See you then, looking forward to it!


  1. I look forward to meeting you and seeing some of those amazingly painted models which you are bringing along.

  2. Good luck, Brian! Hopefully I'll see you next year!

  3. Handsome photo!! ;)
