Thursday, November 10, 2011

Necron Test Miniature: Couldn't help it!

I'm such a sucker for new projects... I just had to try my hand at a Necron.  Like I did with my imperial guard project, I went with a super fast paint scheme. I'm really happy with the outcome.  I went with a patina color on the armor and a simple color scheme on the gun. 

The new miniatures are just way too tempting!  Must get back to Dark Eldar!


  1. Ahh, I am not the old one with this bug then?
    Looks good, I like the painted green rod rather than the usual green plastic. Don't like the look of the standard green.

    The only thing stopping me painting my own is being undecided what colour to go instead of green.

  2. Angryhatter: I agree with you about painting the rods, I've never been a big fan of having non-painted parts on a model. It just doesn't look right.

    That's an interesting question, what color were ou thinking of painting the actual Necron itself?

  3. Yeah, they seem to lack the depth and detail of the rest of the model when its just this block of the same, rather horrible, green.

    I am thinking black as the main body and then dark grey highlights.
    I am working off a back story I am writing for a dynasty of my own creation. They are ship based not world based and like to 'meld with the darkness'.
    I am thinking either blues, reds or oranges for the rods and power elements of them. Reds and oranges being my two favourite options at the moment as with collecting smurfs I am bored of blue a little bit.
    What do you think? Also open to any other suggestions of colours.

  4. I've always been a big fan of red with black. The whole fire and brimstone look. I think that would look sharp. Will you do your basing in a deck-plate or some other industrial look to mesh with the ship world theme?

  5. Yup, just looking for the right decking design.
    I wouldn't be able to model them good enough my self (I have tried) so am after buying some.
    I don't really want to do mesh, as I don't think a living metal ship would be designed with it, so its finding alien enough looking plating or a good sub for it.

    Red has been the vote of a lot of people, may well be the way to go. Will probably do a red and a orange one and see which is prefer. The lava type look of orange might be nice.
