Thursday, March 29, 2012

Custom DE Beastmasters Done

I had a productive night of painting last night and finished up the last 5 Beastmasters.  I'm happy with the way they turned out, but I did a bit of a rush job on the flesh tones of the cold ones, way too sloppy for my likes.  I'm half tempted to go back and redo it but at this point I just want to move forward with the army!  Here are some shots of the finished work.

I also started painting up our pain token holders for the small dice.  One box of zombies and two part apoxy later we got these tokens.  I'm going to do a basic blood red washed purple dry brushed up with some heavy gloss and we should be good to go.

Tonight will finish off the raider crew and painted up templates.  Trying to stay focused on getting things done!


  1. Awesome work on the beastmasters. The painting on the cold ones is top notch. I think you are your hardest critic. Great work. Cannot wait to see a group shot of the beast with their masters in all their glory.

  2. Hey Brian you going to make it to the Invitational? Hope to see you there. Good luck on all that painting.

  3. looks like your Beastmaster and his cold hearted beast were seen in their Sunday Best. Hope you don't mind me throwing your blog a shout out my weekly themed top-x at The Chaos Manifesto. Cheers and thanks for sharing.

  4. HOTpanda, my pleasure! Thanks for the shout-out.

  5. Outstanding job on these Beastmasters and quite original. I'm getting back into 40k after a long hiatus (started back in 1995). Now if I can just find others to play with! Cheers, Paul

  6. Paul, what city are you in? I know what you mean, having a group of people that you can count on is huge. We're fortunate in Chicago we have at least a monthly tournament to get 3 solid games in and a fairly active 40k community. Best of luck!

  7. Hey Brian. I recently moved to Elgin (new dev. west of Randall Rd.). If work allows I hope to go to Adepticon. We are definitely fortunate to be so close to that! Again, really nice job on the DE.

  8. Skyfall: I'm very familiar with that area, my parents live not too far from Randall and Big Timber. I just moved about a year ago to Bartlett so I'm not far away. There are a couple other guys in the Elgin area. We'll have to get some evening games going. I probably have enough space for three 4 x 6 games at once. I bought some game mats, this summer I'm going to work at making quick terrain.

    1. That's cool. My Metra train rolls through Bartlett and I recall playing the golf course there a few times. My new house is near Highland Ave and Coombs Rd. At the moment I am working on two armies: a DIY Chapter Space Marines army and a Renegade Chaos Space Marine army. I also have the makings of an ruined/urban terrain table featuring a Fortress of Redemption and some Imperial Sector buildings. I have a huge basement and a proper painting area and game table, which is nice for a change. By end of May when kids are out of school my schedule frees up greatly so it would be great to get some games in with people in this area!

  9. Fantastic stuff as always! Pure genious!!!
