Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Adepticon: I'll be blogging live!

Unfortunately yesterday I wasn't able to paint anything, I was working until 10:30pm and just didn't have the energy to pick up the brush.  That will just give me a short time to wrap everything up, I hope tonight will be a productive one!

This year at Adepticon, I will be posting at least nightly on what I'm seeing.  Even though I only live about 35 minutes away from the convention, I'm camping out at a local hotel so I can partake in some extra "adult beverages" and not have to get up as early in the morning.

Here are the events I'll be playing in which for sure will mean I'll take pictures of those events. 

Thursday Night: Just picking up my badge but will be hanging awhile after work
Friday: Warhammer 40k Championships
Saturday: Warhammer 40k Team Tournament - Chicago Kamikazes Team Red
Sunday: Warhammer Fantasy Team Tournament - Team MFSM

If you aren't able to make it and would like me to take some extra photos of something please let me know.  For sure I'll be doing some extra articles on

- My picks for the best miniatures outside of the painting competition
- Best themed armies
- Army spotlights
- Maybe a battle report or two

Here's a picture of my ugly mug if you see me at the convention, please say hello.  Yeah that's Slick Willy, and no I didn't have a cigar. 

Two more nights of painting left!!!!


  1. is team Handsome disbanded or it's just a new name?... otherwise i'll try to pass by and say hello on friday...

  2. Danick: Team Handsome is still around, I just decided this year to play with a local team. They'll be there as well as me. Looking forward to seeing you again; what is your team name this year?

  3. Sure you will be line blogging. I read that last ear and saw one post......

  4. Looking forward to the coverage Brian! Sorry I won't be there to say hi and see your latest projects in person but I had some conflicts that prevented me from going this year. Oh well, next year!

  5. Greg: You gottta cut me some slack I put up 3 recaps: Singles, Team, and best of armies. I was just getting into the whole blogging thing, this year will be much easier.

    The one thing my wife does give me a hard time about is I forget to take pictures. This year the camera will not leave my wrist!

  6. Chronowraith: sorry to hear about that, that sucks you're not able to make it. Hopefully it works out better next year.

  7. Replies
    1. I can only imagine. The con has gotten so big it's really a compliment yoyou Hank and Jeff. I can't believe that this is year 10!

  8. Our team name this year will be forge world : kebek II...

    We are playing a mix of imperial guard and blood angels all converted as usual following the idea of a mechanical world...

    See you there!

    1. Danick, do you have any pictures up or are you going to do a big unveiling?

    2. hehe... i love big unveililng...:) to be honest with you I have no idea what the final look will be as I haven't seen the display board yet... so it will be a big unveiling for us too... the only thing I could show you is my test model... the picture is far from perfect but it can give you an idea...


    3. Danick, they look great. I like the robotic leg and the painting done on the goggle lenses.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Brian, very best of luck and a quick comment to let you know we'll all be watching enviously from the UK! Have fun!
