Friday, May 11, 2012

Grey Knight Test Model

Yes, I'm sure I'll get a bunch of crap for joining the bandwagon and painting Grey Knights.  I thought it would be fun to give them a shot and it will either be these guys or Necrons that will be going to NOVA.  Here's the test model I painted up, let me know what you think.

Note, I did not do the right shoulder pad since that will be the squad specific coloring.  Additionally I did not do any finishing effects.  I'll do a satin finish on the armor, a higher gloss on the blade and matt finish on any "cloth" or seals. 

This falls in my faster paint style, so I'm not going for ultra detail. If I put my mind to it, I should be able to get 10 done in an average work week. Here are the basic lists I'm debating on for NOVA.  I don't have my army builder up so I don't have the exact wargear.

Grey Knights 2k
HQ: Grand Master with "fun" extras
Elite: 10 purifiers, 2 hammers, 4 halbreds, 3 psycannons, 1 incinerator (would potentially outflank with grand master skill point and combat squad)
Troop: 5 terminators, 1 hammer, 3 halbreds, 1 psycannon
Troop: 10 strike squad, sgt with hammer, 2 psycannons
Troop: 10 strike squad, sgt with hammer, 2 psycannons
Troop: 10 strike squad, sgt with hammer, 2 psycannons
Fast: 10 interceptors, sgt with hammer, 2 psycanons, psybolt ammo (would potentially get "scoring" from grand master skill point and combat squad)
Heavy: Dread with 2 autocannons and psybolt ammo
Heavy: Dread with 2 autocannons and psybolt ammo

It's a foot list with lots of bodies, and a fair amount of threats.   I like the grand master and his ability to help with reserves and give out scoring / scouts.  Nova only has a "main" objective so in KP missions I castle up, others I combat squad out.

Necrons 2k (air force)
HQ: lord with warscythe in command barge
HQ: lord with warscythe in command barge
Royal court: one cryptec with solar pulse
Royal court: one cryptec with solar pulse
Troop: 5 warriors in a night scythe 
Troop: 5 warriors in a night scythe 
Troop: 5 warriors in a night scythe  
Troop: 5 warriors in a night scythe 
Troop: 5 warriors in a night scythe  
Troop: 5 warriors in a night scythe 
Fast: 6 or 7 scarabs (can't remember)
Fast: 6 or 7 scarabs (can't remember)
Fast: 6 or 7 scarabs (can't remember) 
Heavy: annihilation barge
Heavy: annihilation barge
Heavy: annihilation barge

This list pumps out a metric ton of tesla and can control night fight.  The lords and scarabs can hunt down heavy armor while the rest of my stuff teslas light armor and infantry like crazy.  The problem someone mentioned is that I might not have enough room on the board depending on how big the flyers end up being.  It's also very spammy.  I might consider dropping one of the barges and one of the lords to bring a squad of spyders and extra scarabs.

Something to think about!


  1. I don't know about your scarab list. I really think GKs will eat that up. All the dreads and psycannons instakill swarms and will probably wreck your barges. All those force weapons will also wrack havoc with your swarms. You do not have enough shotting to go toe to toe with them either.....

  2. Sharp model. I can see the imperfections that make it your quick style but they'll still look fantastic on the table top. I can't comment on the lists though. I'm tournament incompetent.

  3. Very smart indeed Brian. Good luck in the Nova. Enjoy playing the other Grey Knight armies ;) (only joking - it'll be fun whatever you play, I'm sure)
