Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ghost Ark, Immortals and Warriors Finished

I am rolling through this army fast - exactly how I was hoping.  I think overall it is looking like I envisioned.  I finally finished the Ghost Ark.  This monstrosity took forever to clean and assemble and it was a bit of a pain to paint the "ribs" of the sides.  It is very cool though, and I have another one to do at some point in the future... but not anytime soon!

I also over the last week finished up 10 Immortals and 16 Warriors.  I didn't put static grass or paint their gold unit markers on their shoulders yet.  The thought is I'll batch do that at the end.

Here's a shot of what's next on the docket: 14 more warriors, 5 immortals, Overlord, lord, bunch o'crypteks.  I also have primed and ready a command barge and annihilation barge. 

My friend helped me with some scenic scarabs in the sand bases.  I'm stretching my scarabs a little thin by putting one on a base. It'll appear that there will be 5 to 7 on each base.  I'll probably go back and put more "real" scarabs on at a later date.

Here's how the list has evolved for Nova 2k.  I'm going to try a blob squad out.

HQ: Overlord with warscythe, phaeron, mindshackle scarabs (attached to blob squad)
HQ: Overlord with warscythe on command barge

Court 1:
Lord with warscythe, mindshackle scarabs, res orb (attached to blob squad)
Cryptek harbinger of destruction, pulse (2 each of the destruct-teks will be attached to the troops)
Cryptek harbinger of destruction
Cryptek harbinger of destruction
Cryptek harbinger of destruction

Court 2:
Cryptek  harbinger of  transmogrification with seismic crucible  (attached to blob squad)
Cryptek harbinger of destruction, pulse
Cryptek harbinger of destruction
Cryptek harbinger of destruction
Cryptek harbinger of destruction

Troop: 20 warriors
Troop: 5 warriors in Ghost Ark
Troop: 5 Immortals with Tesla
Troop: 5 Immortals with Tesla
Troop: 5 Immortals with Tesla

Fast: 6 scarabs
Fast: 6 scarabs

Heavy: 3 spyders: gloom prism and fabricator claws
Heavy: annihilation barge
Heavy: annihilation barge

We'll see what this build can do.  Not sure it puts out enough firepower, but I can night fight pulse twice while using the max range of the crypteks to bring down light armor.   Hopefully this does well against the MSU razor spam and guard chimera spam.

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