Friday, September 14, 2012

Wreck-Age Kickstarter: Pretty Cool!

If you haven't checked out the Kickstarter from Wreck-Age, do yourself a favor and do so.  It looks to be a fun game and the artwork and back-story is beautiful. 

Here's a link to the Kickstarter:    Wreck Age: Tabletop, RPG and Board Game
Here's a link to their website: Wreck-age: Hyacinth Games

I am a sucker for post-apocalyptic fiction and the miniatures have a lot of character.  I decided to go with the $155 pledge to support their rulebook and two factions.  Honestly I am very tempted to do a third (if they had that option).  Either way I am for sure doing two to be able to host some fun games with friends.

The whole kickstarter concept is a great way to get small companies off of the ground.  I applaud the team for putting in the hard work to get their concept rolling and I'm looking forward to the additional quality miniatures and background they come out with!

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