Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Riptide Painted!

The riptide is finished!  Wow that was a big model.  I kept the black highlighting simple, probably could have used an extra highlight but I honestly hate painting black.  If you've seen my kroot mercs list I put a little extra flowers and plants on the base.  Nothing too over the top, just a little decorations.

Working on the three broadsides now.  At least I did the biggest model first, these broadsides will be nothing compared to that.  By the time I get to my 1 crisis suit I have to do, I'll feel like I'm painting a single marine.

Off traveling for the next week so I won't get a whole lot of painting in. I might bring my brushes with me, not decided yet.  Nova is only a little over a month away, gotta get cracking!

1 comment:

  1. that's tough to say on total time since it was broken up over a few weeks. I should track that stuff one of those days.

    For sealant I usually paint it on, but for my Tau I have not. Since this is an old project I'm adding to, I don't want to mess with the effects.

    Black is tough since the littlest mistake is amplified. Plus there is no "natural" shading so I think it always looks a bit half-finished.
