Thursday, August 21, 2014

Massive Infinity Terrain Part 1

There has been a lack of posts lately, my apologies... but no lack of hobby action.  I'm almost finished with two more Imperial Knights (posted as soon as they are done) as well as a Warhound Titan.

Since it is the summer I know I need to make the most of the good outdoor weather for priming.  With the next generation of Infinity coming this fall and my desire to make my basement a gaming mecca, I've decided to get my butt outside and start painting all this terrain I've been collecting.

The thought about painting all of that was daunting.  Finally my friends convinced me to get over the fear and really make the most out of spray paint.  They taught me some cool tips to get the first few coats of paint down in minimal time.  My Home Depot trip was a lot of fun... got a ton of different colors all for about the cost of 5 cans of GW black primer.

Got some strange looks from the cashier
Here's all the terrain I've been building... lots of manufacturers!  My goal is to have at least two full tables of "modern-day" terrain, 2 full tables worth of futuristic city terrain, and a jungle board for Paradiso.  Almost all of the buildings allow to get inside each floor.

Demo's Laser Cut Designs: Shops, and Office Building
Sarissa Precision: Modern day houses, and all of the silos
Warmill: Futuristic linked buildings and shipping containers
Impudent Mortal: Holo bilboards and signs
Micro Art Studios: The "official" infinity terrain and bridges
CNC Workshop Miniature Scenery: Very cool infinity style buildings and the awesome walls

NOTE: All of the terrain you're about to see has only been started with spray paints.  My goal is to get everything painted to the first level with sprays, then go back and start detailing.  This way I can have playable scenery out of the gate while I work on the finer points.

Now to meet our host... Louie the Loup-Garous.  He'll be showcasing everything where it is now.

Louie says hello
I started with my basic tiles I'm going to use for some tables.  I decided that until all the cool Secret Weapon Minature tables come, I'll make some quick 1'x1' squares out of MDF that can be used as street tiles.  I started with a grey spray paint then used the textured asphalt looking spray and concrete looking spray.  I then went back on the asphalt and hit it with black.  I'll have to go back as some are a little light.

Tiles baking in the sun...took forever to dry
Here's a big batch spray paint of all of the cool buildings from Warmill.  I really dig out they fit together, they're very versital.  I'm going to go with a real light bluish white.  I'll go back and add orange striping and accents.  Trying to keep some of the terrain bright.

Here's the rapid fire shots of all of the first level spraying of the other buildings I knocked out.  All in all, I probably spent about 6 hours of spraying.  Not too shabby!

they stack or are great stand alone

these will look great with awnings and some detail

Finally, I started spray basing the 6 tiles from the new GW boards as well as I picked up two of the manufactorum tiles from forge world.  I'm going to see if I can get some infinity work especially out of the forge world tiles.  Not sure how well they'll play for 40k, but I technically can now get 8 feet out of it.

Phew, this is stage one.  I still have twice as much bare MDF yet to spray!  Lots of little things, and a ton of scatter terrain (cars, vending machines, etc.) I can't wait to go back and start adding posters, graffiti, weathering, etc.  I'll also knock out another 4 foot square set of basic street tiles.

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