Thursday, March 26, 2015

Awesome Infinity Terrain

I am so psyched to get into Infinity.  Probably the most exciting part is the awesome terrain and how to immerse yourself in the urban sprawl.  I stopped by the infinity tournaments and took some shots of their amazing terrain for inspiration. 

Now that Adepticon is done, I can work on my resolution to lay off the army building and focus on skirmish games like Infinity and Wild West Exodus!


  1. Is that a video playing on the overpass??? I missed that part! WOW!

    1. Yeah that was super cool. I need to find those displays so I can replicate that on some urban boards!

    2. It was an Akira themed table for an Akira themed biker battle. So they loaded the anime onto a mini-iPad and played it when the event was going on. Super cool!

  2. There are some great tables there!

    I've also been working on dense terrain for sci-fi skirmishes. We've been playing Sedition Wars on the table top, and I have collected (as yet unpainted) three factions for Infinity...

    1. You and me both, Dave. I need to get some paint on those miniatures!

  3. Very cool. Thanks for the pictures.
