Monday, February 29, 2016

Adepticon TT Display - Khorne Gladiator Construction (part 2)

We had another very productive Sunday working on the display base, racking up another 6 hours of work with the team. Gregg and Jeff also assembled the case sides during the week so we can work on it in it's cart.  Since the foam is so dense, we're able to screw it in and out with wood screws, pretty cool. 

Our goal this round was to work on the second and third levels (plus the crashed column) as well as adding some of the details.  I forgot to pick up plastic rods to make rivets so unfortunately we weren't able to knock that out.  There was no lack of stuff to work on.  The team commenced to start the stenciling and readying the pieces.

Danny and I also started working on the portcullis and gates for the Khorne dogs.  What a better medium to work with then all the plastic sprues from GW.  There is no lack of material there and will add to the rusty metal look. 

Now came the heavy carving.  We didn't mess around this time and all put on masks.  In the background I put on some dark ambient music to get us in the spirit of the project.

After extreme piles of dust was swept up we were done for the night.  We put all the pieces up and held the pillar about where it was going to stand.  Hopefully my supplies I ordered will arrive on time, I have materials coming for the lighting and tons of chain, plastic rod and skulls.  We tested a few of the lights that will sit within the risers.

This week I hope to wrap up painting the bloodletters and finish up my soul grinder!

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