Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Death Korps of Krieg - Next Big Project

I think I've solidified it that I'm going to go Death Korps of Krieg as my next big project.  I've had the models since they first came out and I absolutely love the sculpts.  I think I'll go a pretty traditional greys on the uniforms with khaki color pants. 

For basing, I'm thinking of doing some sort of burnt out city.  Demolished urban setting.  I think it would be pretty sweet to make cool themed terrain for them to walk over. 

The biggest challenge I have is how to do weathered and battle damaged tanks.  I've never worked with weathering powders and my tanks always look pristine.  It's intimidating.  I could use any recommendations on books, or tutorials that are out there. I want to spend the extra time to make the product really pop.

My first list is going to be modeled after the Krieg Assault Brigade.  It'll get me the chance to paint up a bunch of infantry and some small artillery pieces like mortars and thud guns.  Also a mix of a few tanks.  I'll tackle a cavalry and heavy artillery list in the 2nd wave. 

Any thoughts or help on weathering & battle damage would be great!


  1. Love the Death corps. Def looking forward to your progress on these.

    Check this out for plenty of tutorials on weathering. I fell the same anout it but there is a mine of resources on this site.

    1. Thanks so much for the resources, I'll be checking these out!

  2. Death Korps are awesome!The look of them is such a good blend of 40k are historical.

    Have a look a the FW Model Masterclass books for weathering inspiration. That's where I got most of my ideas from. Use an old unwanted vehicle to test the techniques out on as well. I use an old Chimera hull and it does make it easier.

    1. Good call on using an old vehicle to test. I have the first FW masterclass book, how is the second one?

    2. I've only used the first one myself, the second one didn't seem to have as much helpful stuff in.

    3. I was debating on picking up the second one. I might pass now, thanks for the insight!
