Monday, November 14, 2016

Genestealer Cult Test Models

I'm finally back to posting!  I've been painting a bunch of Khorne models that I'll get up on the blog over the next few weeks but first I wanted to share my test models for the new army... the Genestealer Cult!  I was so excited when Deathwatch Overkill came out.  The models have so much character and the play style is so different than any other 40k army.

Many years ago we did a paint scheme with Tyranids.  Red flesh tones and body with khaki carapace.  As much as I love the traditional blues and purples I decided I'd incorporate the same old scheme to mesh the armies together.

Here are my first 5 acolytes from the deathwatch overkill box.  It's quite a large paint pallet.  I still need to dirty up and weather the bases.  Looks like I needed to do a better job focusing with the camera, sorry about that!

Finally here are two additional genestealers I painted.  They're painted under the same old scheme I did previously.

Next up on the painting table are the neophytes that look most like humans... then the hybrids that are somewhere in between.  I'm also working on finally getting into 30k with Imperial Fists.  Lots of hobby action!

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