I really want to put together wracks for the Dark Eldar, but I think I'm going to go a different path when it comes to conversion. I've heard we may get new models in the summer timeframe but that's not stopping me from coming up with some neat ideas.
I really like the idea of having a gladiator arena in my display board and with that it would be cool to have different beasts and subhumans fighting it out with the wytches. What better to be a good adversary to get butchered up in the arena then a counts-as wrack? My first thought was to go with some sort of catachan base and add spikes, armor, and cruel weapons. I just never really liked the models so I figured I'd scrap that.
There are some awesome pre-made gladiators from Dark Art Miniatures but most tournaments require mostly GW based minis. That throws out the easy method of just doing premade miniatures.
I then scanned the GW website for some suitable plastic replacements (plastic is so much easier to work and game with). Two kits I think might be a great baseline for gladiators are the Beastmen Gor Herd and the Maurauders of Chaos. Both of these have a dark look about them. I'm torn on which would be the better kit. Maybe ultimately I do a mixture of both? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I just thought... why limit myself to one race? I could do a whole ton of different races conscripted into gladiator service!